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Car Buying Secrets the Dealer Won't Tell You About

ยป Posted March 9, 2018Resources | Share This Post

Most people don't like buying cars, don't know how to get the best deals, and find the entire process stressful. This is understandable when so much can go wrong with a vehicle purchase. San Diego lemon law attorneys can provide help exercising your consumer rights if you've purchased a new car that has lots of problems, but it is important to make sure you're doing your due diligence in the car buying process.

To help ensure the purchase of a car goes smoothly, it's also helpful to learn some tricks for shopping for a new vehicle. Cheat Sheet recently provided some insight into car buying tricks that most dealers won't tell you that you may wish to consider the next time you need to purchase a car.

Car Buying Secrets Car Dealers Don't Tell You

According to Cheat Sheet, a few secrets to buying a car that dealers won't share with consumers include the following:

  • Look outside the showroom for better deals: Car shoppers can access huge amounts of information about vehicles on the Internet and can connect with dealers and conduct negotiations over email rather than wasting time going to showrooms only to find they can't come to a consensus on price. But, while shopping for a car and haggling online can definitely be a good approach, buyers need to make sure to avoid scams by purchasing only from reputable dealers and not paying for a car they haven't seen in person and checked the vehicle history reports on.
  • Corporate dealerships could charge higher costs: There are more conglomerate car dealers today than ever before. Because shopping from a big corporate dealer could cost you more money, Cheat Sheet recommends comparing prices carefully.
  • Fees can add a lot to the price of a car: Fees you will pay vary based on where you live and in some cases you'll pay thousands. To make sure that fees don't push a car you're buying over your budget, find out about fees up front.
  • Car ads don't always provide accurate information: It's common for advertisements from car dealers to contain a lot of fine print that you may not find out about until it is late in the transaction. Be sure to read contracts and offers carefully so you'll know exactly what to expect.
  • Car dealers make more money from used car sales: Some studies have shown that car dealers make around three times the profit when they sell a used versus a new car.
  • Add-ons and extended warranties usually aren't worth it: When car dealers try to upsell you on a long-term warranty or on other costly add-ons, you usually end up paying far more than you should.

Of course, no matter how carefully you shop for a car or how good of a deal you get, you could still find yourself facing big financial loss if the car you buy turns out to have lots of defects. In these circumstances, you should contact San Diego lemon law attorneys to find out about your options.

Hear What Our Clients Have To Say

"I was having a reoccurring problem with my vehicle that the dealer couldn't seem to fix and when I contacted the manufacturer they were not willing to help me at all, so I contacted the Bickel law firm. This law firm knows what they are doing and will tell you honestly whether you have a case or not. I highly recommend that you give them a try."
Posted By: Rick Mills